Italians breeds

Istriana or Carsolina
Italian breeds of sheep

Origin and diffusion

Origin: composite of probably Lamon and Istrian.
In the region of Karst and Istria sheep breeders have traditionally bred domestic, autochthonous sheep which they called Istriana or Carsolina (in Slovenia: Istrianka, Karst sheep, Primorska sheep). Istrian sheep were bred mainly for their unusual characteristics: their distinct long-stepping walk and ability to graze in rocky terrain. They will graze even on the dry old grass, though they are quite skillful at finding fresh grass between rocks.
The Istrian shep is found in the provinces of Udine, Gorizia, Trieste (Friuli-Venezia Giulia - Italy) and Slovenia.

Morphological and economic characteristics

Size: medium
Height at the withers:
- Male: 70-80 cm
- Female: 70-75 cm
- Male: up to 95 kg
- Female: 60-70 kg

The Istriana is of quite a large frame, owing to the highly placed torso and long strong legs. Its udders are shaped right, fastened high, with large teats. Its slim head, with the nose’s crest and jutting out ears, is placed on a long neck. The sheep’s multicolored wool does not cover the animals entire body; their legs and belly are naked of wool, and in other parts they are only covered with shaggy fleece. The breeders bred white, black, spotted, patchy sheep, short-eared sheep, horned sheep, horn-less sheep, and the list goes on and on.
Uses: predominantly milk.

Istriana o Carsolina Male of Istriana o Carsolina (photo

Istriana o Carsolina Female of Istriana o Carsolina (photo

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