Italians breeds

Barbaresca Siciliana (Orecchiuta, Siciliana migliorata)
Italian breeds of sheep

Origin and diffusion

Found in Sicily in southern Italy, the Barbaresca Siciliana (Sicilian Barbary) was developed from the Tunisian Barbary and the Pinzirita.

Morphological and economic characteristics

Size: medium-large
Height at the withers:
- Male: 85 cm
- Female: 80 cm
- Male: 110 kg
- Female: 65 kg

It is a coarse to medium wool breed kept for both milk and meat production. The Sicilian Barbary is polled and usually has dark spots on the face and legs. The breed has lop ears and stores fat at the base of the tail.
Uses: milk and meat.

Barbaresca Sheep Barbaresca

Barbaresca (photo

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