Italians breeds

Italian breeds of sheep

Origin and diffusion

The Comisana breed is found in southeastern Sicily.
It originated from the Maltese and Sicilian breeds in the late 19th and early 20th century.
It is a diary breed with course to medium wool quality.
Today it is raised in Sicily, Southern and Central Italy, Piedmont and Lombardy.

Morphological and economic characteristics

Size: medium-large
Height at the withers:
- Male: 80 cm
- Female: 70 cm
- Male: 80 kg
- Female: 50 kg

Colour white and a reddish-brown face. The breed has semi-lop ears and is polled.
Uses: milk.

Comisana Male and female of Comisana (photo Assonapa)

Comisana Comisana (photo di Salvatore Pipia / ISZS)

Comisana Comisana (photo Miglioramento Genetico razza Comisana

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