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This section is devoted to Italian goats breeds. Mariapia Ciaghi dealt with translations.
Goat farming is an important reality on the Italian livestock panorama. They are diffused throughout the entire Italian territory from the green Alpine regions to the dry southern and island ones. There are many indigenous breeds of Italian goats. Click on the menu on the left to view illustrated information sheets about particular breeds, including their origin, diffusion and economic and morphological characteristics.
The raising of goats in Italy is primarily destined to the production of milk to be transformed into cheeses or to be consumed directly, though still in limited quantities.
The National Association of Sheep and Goat Breeders carries out activities aimed at improving the form, genetics and function of goat breeds raised in Italy through the management of Genealogical Records.
There are eight goat breeds ( Camosciata delle Alpi, Garganica, Girgentana, Ionica, Maltese, Orobica, Saanen e Sarda) officially provided with a Genealogical Record. They (Saanen and Camosciata ) are cosmopolitan breeds that are widespread in many countries of the world.
The National Association of Sheep and Goat Breeders also directly manages the Population Registries for national goat breeds which are not highly diffused. The Registries are a tool for preserving and safeguarding sheep and goat breeds, which represent the tool for conserving and protecting them. The goat breeds included in the Population Registry are: Alpina, Argentata dell'Etna, Bionda dell'Adamello, Cilentana fulva, Cilentana grigia, Cilentana nera, Ciociara grigia, Di L'Aquila, Di Montecristo, Di Potenza, Di Teramo, Frisa Valtelliniese, Garfagnana, Grigia degli Alburni, Grigia dei monti Picentini, Grigia molisana, Istriana, Napoletana, Roccaverano, Sarda primitiva, Sciara, Screziata Selvaggia, Sempione, Valfortorina, Valgerola, Vallesana, Verzaschese.
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