Italians breeds

Italian breeds of sheep

Origin and diffusion

As to morphology the Brianzola breed is related to the giant Alpine meat sheep coming from Ovis aries sudanica of Sanson. It comes from Brianza, a territory including the provinces of Como, Lecco and Monza (Lombardia).

Morphological and economic characteristics

Size: large.
Height at the withers:
- Male: 90 cm
- Female: 75 cm
- Male: 100 kg
- Female: 65 kg

The meat is about the butchery of lambs of 15-20 kg weight or of muttons of 40 kg. The milk is used just for the lamb’s feeding.
Uni coloured: white.
Uses: meat.

Brianzola Sheep Brianzola (photo

Brianzola Sheep Brianzola (photo

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