Italians breeds

Capra di Tavolara
Italian breeds of goats

Origin and diffusion

This goat finds itself in the island of Tavolara (Sardinia north orients them).
This breed is originated from Capra aegagrus (Erxleben, 1777).
Some exemplary of this race are raised near the ConSDABI (Consortium for Experimentation, Divulgation and Application of Innovative Biotechniques), Circello, Benevento.

Morphological and economic characteristics

Height at the withers:
- Male: 65 cm
- Female: 55 cm
- Male: 60 kg
- Female: 40 kg

Uni coloured: brown.

Capra di Tavolara Capra di Tavolara (photo Riccardo Fortina

Island of Tavolara - Sardinia Island of Tavolara - Sardinia

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