Italians breeds

Rossa Mediterranea or Derivata di Siria
Italian breeds of goats

Origin and diffusion

Rossa Mediterranea (or Derivata di Siria) has been obtained from the Siria or Mambrina, originated in the middle eastern Mediterranean areas. In Italy it is mostly reared in the south, especially in Sicily.

Morphological and economic characteristics

Height at the withers:
- Male: 79 cm
- Female: 72 cm
- Male: 70 kg
- Female: 48 kg

Light red coat, possibly white pied; long thick hair. Horns are present in both sexes.
A dairy breed whose milk is used to make traditional cheese and dairy by-products.

Rossa Mediterranea or Derivata di Siria Rossa Mediterranea or Derivata di Siria (photo

Derivata di Siria Rossa Mediterranea (photo Giovanni Sleiter

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