Italians breeds

The Pezzata Veneta Goose
Italian Poultry breeds - Geese

Origin and economic characteristics

The Pezzata Veneta (or Oca Padana) has been selected in Veneto. It is reared inVeneto and Lombardia today. It lays 100 eggs a year weighing 120 g on average. Scarsely apt to brooding, its tasty meat is suitable to be worked as salami or seasoned meat, as well as fresh roast meat. Although it looks solemn, when walking it has an awkward slow gait.

Morphological characteristics

Mean weight:
- Male: 6-7 kg
- Female: 5-6 kg

A pied coat: white with dark-grey spots on the head, back, thighs and wings. The head is stocky, the body is big with a large low abdomen, the breast is muscular. The neck is long; a rosy-orange beak

The Pezzata Veneta Goose
The Pezzata Veneta Goose (photo M. Arduin)




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