Italians breeds

Pezzata Rossa
Italian breeds of goats

Origin and diffusion

The origin is uncertain, seemingly related to the Neapolitan goat. Its morphological features relate it to African goats, which had reached Campania in ancient times. It is regularly spread around a vast area in many provinces of this region. It is a very rustic breed.

Some exemplary of this race are raised near the ConSDABI (Consortium for Experimentation, Divulgation and Application of Innovative Biotechniques), Circello, Benevento.

Morphological and economic characteristics

- Male: 60-65 kg
- Female: 50-55 kg

The coat is usually red pied with irregular edges. A white face mask may be present. Both sexes bear horns. A dairy breed.

Pezzata Rossa Pezzata Rossa (photo archivio CONSDABI)

Pezzata Rossa Pezzata Rossa (photo Riccardo Fortina

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