Italians breeds

Garfagnina or Fulva Lucchese
Italian breeds of goats

Origin and diffusion

It represents the typical goat breed of the Ligurian Tuscan and Emilian Appennines, particularly in the provinces of Lucca (Tuscany) and Garfagnana.

Morphological and economic characteristics

Very elegant showy coat, commonly brown, grey, tawny coloured. Long flowing hair, with or without horns.
It is reared either for milk or meat on extensive grazing-based breeding.

Garfagnina or Fulva Lucchese Garfagnina or Fulva Lucchese (photo M. Martini Dip. Prod. Anim. Facoltà Medicina Veterinaria di Pisa)

Garfagnina or Fulva Lucchese Garfagnina or Fulva Lucchese (photo M. Martini Dip. Prod. Anim. Facoltà Medicina Veterinaria di Pisa)

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