Transboundary or brand name: Cornella White.
Indigenous breed originary of Bologna Province, Emilia Romagna Region, northern Italy.
This breed is bred into the Emilian Apennines, in the provinces of Reggio Emilia, Modena and Bologna (Emilia Romagna Region).
Size: medium-large
Height at the withers:
- Male: 85-90 cm
- Female: 75-80 cm
- Male: 80-85 kg
- Female: 65-70 kg
Uni coloured: white.
Uses: milk and meat. The breed is adapted to the local environment (hills and plains).
Cornella Bianca dell'Emilia Romagna (photo - dr. Carlo Alberti - Reggio Emilia)
Cornella Bianca dell'Emilia Romagna
Cornella Bianca dell'Emilia Romagna