The Comisana breed is found in southeastern Sicily.
It originated from the Maltese and Sicilian breeds in the late 19th and early 20th century.
It is a diary breed with course to medium wool quality.
Today it is raised in Sicily, Southern and Central Italy, Piedmont and Lombardy.
Size: medium-large
Height at the withers:
- Male: 80 cm
- Female: 70 cm
- Male: 80 kg
- Female: 50 kg
Colour white and a reddish-brown face. The breed has semi-lop ears and is polled.
Uses: milk.
Male and female of Comisana (photo Assonapa)
Comisana (photo di Salvatore Pipia / ISZS)
Comisana (photo Miglioramento Genetico razza Comisana