The Brigasca sheep is a local breed whose name is linked to the border territory between Liguria, Piedmont and Provence. Descended from the Frabosana breed and likely crossbred with Langhe sheep, the Brigasca is a rustic animal, perfectly adapted to the traditional rearing system of a minimum of six months in alpine pastures. With this milk, three different kinds of cheeses are still produced: Sora, Toma and Brus. All are made with techniques and tools bound to the ancient tradition of transhumance.
Size: medium-large
Height at the withers:
- Male: 80 cm
- Female: 65 cm
- Male: 70-100 kg
- Female: 60-70 kg
Uni coloured: white
Uses: milk and meat.
Brigasca (photo
Brigasca (photo Gabriella Stanchi