Italians breeds

Italian breeds of cattle

Origin and diffusion

This breed is from Garfagnana (province of Lucca.- Tuscany). It seems it comes from the primitive Podalica. It has undergone a serious decrease after the World War II. It only counts few hundreds heads today. It is a free grazing breed.
Since 1985 the Registry Office of autochthonous cattle breeds and ethnic groups of limited diffusion has been founded, in order to protect those Italian cattle breeds at risk of extinction and to safeguard this genetic heritage. Among them there are the following breeds: Agerolese, Bianca Val Padana (Modenese), Burlina, Cabannina, Calvana, Cinisara, Garfagnina, Modicana, Mucca Pisana, Pezzata Rossa d’Oropa, Pinzgau, Pontremolese, Pustertaler, Reggiana, Sarda, Sardo-Modicana, Varzese.

Morphological characteristics

The coat is frosted grey, shading from light to dark grey. A darker pigmentation around the eyes, on the ridge of the ears, shoulders, knees and thighs, and at the sides of the neck.
Black mucosa and wide muzzle with white shade.
The tail tuft is black, so are the hoofs and the end of the horns.
Small size and height.

Economic characteristics

Both milk and meat but prevailing milk production. Quite good meat production, though.

Garfagnina Garfagnina (photo APA Pisa)

Garfagnina - Cow Garfagnina - Cow (photo Massimo Vannozzi - ARSIA Toscana)

Garfagnina - Cow Garfagnina - Cow

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