This breed comes from the Ligurian Appennine (the provinces of La Spezia and Genoa); as it is decreasing it is at risk of extinction.
Since 1985 the Registry Office of autochthonous cattle breeds and ethnic groups of limited diffusion has been founded, in order to protect those Italian cattle breeds at risk of extinction and to safeguard this genetic heritage. Among them there are the following breeds: Agerolese, Bianca Val Padana (Modenese), Burlina, Cabannina, Calvana, Cinisara, Garfagnina, Modicana, Mucca Pisana, Pezzata Rossa d’Oropa, Pinzgau, Pontremolese, Pustertaler, Reggiana, Sarda, Sardo-Modicana, Varzese.
The colour of the coat is plain dark brown.
There is a hedge of lighter hairs along the dorsal line.
Medium-small size and height.
Both apt for milk and meat, prevailing milk production.
Rustic and resistant to illnesses.
It is very important to restore this breed because of a new value of the marginal areas of origin.
Cabannina - Cow
Cabannina - Cow
Cabannina - Young bull