Italians breeds

Italian breeds of cattle

Origin and diffusion

It comes from the province of Naples; today only few hundreds heads of cattle are bred in the Agerola, Pagani, Gragnano areas. It is the result of crossbreeding of Holstein, Brown and Jersey with local stock.
The breed is at risk of extinction, has suffered a considerable reduction throughout the years because of the frequent replacement crossbreeding with the Italian Holstein.
Since 1985 the Registry Office of autochthonous cattle breeds and ethnic groups of limited diffusion has been founded, in order to protect those Italian cattle breeds at risk of extinction and to safeguard this genetic heritage. Among them there are the following breeds: Agerolese, Bianca Val Padana (Modenese), Burlina, Cabannina, Calvana, Cinisara, Garfagnina, Modicana, Mucca Pisana, Pezzata Rossa d’Oropa, Pinzgau, Pontremolese, Pustertaler, Reggiana, Sarda, Sardo-Modicana, Varzese.

Morphological characteristics

The colour of the coat can vary from brown to black with a ridge of light hairs around the muzzle, which is dark as well, medium sized light-coloured horns, bent sideway and forward.

Economic characteristics

Meat and milk production are of high quality, although they can vary according to the difficulties of the breed to adapt to difficult or marginal surroundings.

Agerolese - Cow Agerolese - Cow

Agerolese - Bull Agerolese - Bull

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