Pustertaler Cattle originate from the side-valleys of the Pustertal in Southern Tyrol.
For a long time, they were credited to be the best cattle breed of the imperial and royal monarchy.
Continuous sale of the breed to Viennese dairies finally lead to the decline of the breed.
Since 1985 the Registry Office of autochthonous cattle breeds and ethnic groups of limited diffusion has been founded, in order to protect those Italian cattle breeds at risk of extinction and to safeguard this genetic heritage. Among them there are the following breeds: Agerolese, Bianca Val Padana (Modenese), Burlina, Cabannina, Calvana, Cinisara, Garfagnina, Modicana, Mucca Pisana, Pezzata Rossa d’Oropa, Pinzgau, Pontremolese, Pustertaler, Reggiana, Sarda, Sardo-Modicana, Varzese.
Colour and patterns vary. Tail and belly are always white. The coloured areas (red or black) may be connected ("Schecken”) or be distributed as finely coloured dots ("Sprinzen”). The Pustertaler Cattle are heavy and large framed.
They are characterised by longevity and easy
calving. Calves are very vital, with high daily weight increase when feeding on basic rations.
With each lactation period, milking performance of the cows increases. Additionally, meat
quality is very good.
General remarks: Pustertal bred in South- and North Tyrol seem to be improved with Vosgene
blood. There are only 4-5 breeders left in South Tyrol, which have purebred animals
without Vosgene blood. The degree of improvement is not clear at this point. Austria (North
Tyrol) has closed its herdbook for external exchange of animals.
Pustertaler - Cow
Pustertaler - Bull
Barà cattle are very closely related to
Pustertal cattle: A scientific examination by
the Department for Animal Breeding, University
of Torino, showed that Barà and Pusteria
share the same origin.
Barà Cattle are kept in Piedmont, in Torino
province and in the neighbouring Cuneo
Contact: R.A.R.E. (Razze autoctone a Rischio
di Estinzione), Riccardo Fortina;
Corso G, Agnelli 32; I-10137 Torino;
E-mail: fortina@agraria.unito.it